is… 147kW (200CV)

9 documents provided by manufacturer regarding the CORRECT GTV/Spider V6 TB power, both Phase 1 and Phase 2. All state 147kW (200CV) not 148 not 149. It does not matter if You found a journalist or a register that provides other information. MANUFACTURER states 147kW. See brochures, owner’s manual, workshop manual, press kit.

1995-press-kit 1996 GTV brochure 1999 spider brochure SONY DSC 1998-GTV-workshop-manual 1998-Spider-workshop-manual 1995 GTV brochure 1996 GTV brochure 2 1998 spider brochure

Also on Wikipedia the entry, edited by me, states 147kW, so untill a hard evidence is provided this value will not be changed.

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